Limit Theory was a procedurally generated space exploration game with 4X elements. Josh Parnell created it and Adam Byrd and I contributed to engineering it. Although the game was ultimately cancelled, working on it was life-changing for me since I had the opportunity to learn about engineering topics I was personally interested in and built a foundation of 3D math skills that I used to learn graphics programming.

For Limit Theory, I architected systems to procedurally generate space ships. I worked in Lua in an in-house engine. Every vertex of the meshes are generated from scratch; there are no hand-made 3D objects used. I also worked on a tool to allow players to use this system to customize ships in the game for the demo we showed at Pax South 2018.

I wrote bi-weekly devlogs on my process on the Limit Theory forums; here’s a summary post of my thought process in case you’re curious.